About Us

Who We Are

BALRIUM GROUP is a company with a deep-rooted commercial, legal, accounting and social responsibility background, which aims to carry beauty to the future by focusing on all activities that are beneficial to humanity and humanity, sensitive to nature and the environment, beneficial to health and support robustness.

BERKİN ENERJİ is a company that carries out commercial activities in many different fields such as steam cleaning of oil storage tanks, production and marketing of steam cleaning and disinfection machines, heating systems of greenhouses with steam, and performs its activities with its own developed Electro Chemical Reaction Steam Technology and similar systems that are derivatives of this technology.

Berkin Energy is happy to offer the right solutions for our country and the world with its 100% environmentally friendly systems, which it has achieved as a result of its research and development studies that have been going on for about 10 years, and continues to work towards producing new solutions with the enthusiasm of its achievements.

BALRİUM GROUP & BERKİN ENERJİ Solution Partnership HEMP PAINT Construction Chemicals is a new and important brand that Berkin Energy has brought to the Turkish economy. The HEMP PAINT brand is based on Berkin Energy's research on hemp, technical information obtained from different sources and positive technical data that have emerged as a result of studies on hemp in the world.

In the light of the efforts, studies and information obtained, Berkin Energy focused on how "Hemp Fiber, Hemp Extract  and Hemp Seed Oil" can produce benefits in the field of building materials and construction chemicals and achieved results beyond expectations after R&D studies. This not only showed that Berkin Energy was on the right track, but also led to the discovery of new and different commercial ideas.

The fact that the products we produce under the HEMP PAINT brand are close to natural materials, that the products have "ANTIBACTERIAL" and "ANTIPARASITAL" properties, that they are environmentally friendly in terms of recycling, that hemp is a natural and sustainable raw material source, and many other positive effects that can be counted, made us realize that we are at a new turning point in the field of construction chemicals and building materials production.

To date, HEMP PAİNT continues and will continue to carry out new studies and produce new products with its solid technical infrastructure, well-equipped staff and the accumulation of technical knowledge and experience gained through long years of HEMP PAİNT R&D studies.

Our healthy, robust, high quality and technically superior products are an expression of the importance and value we attach to the environment and human health, as well as the embodiment of our achievements and technical perspective. Our priority is to produce qualified products that do not harm human and environmental health, but on the contrary, provide benefits and offer them to the benefit of humanity.

BERKİN ENERJİ, which is based on competence and merit in all its works and acts in the center of human benefit, has entrusted its marketing and sales activities to professional hands by making a solution partnership with BALRİUM GROUP in order to bring its products, which are beneficial to humanity in every aspect, beneficial to health, sensitive to nature and environment, and robust, to the desired place in the world market.

The goal is to be worthy of the trust of those who prefer our products...

Why Hemp Paint?

The need for shelter is one of the most basic needs of humans. In the historical process, many ways and methods have been found to meet this need and these have been important enough to form the basis of civilizations. People have discovered different solutions according to the natural structure of their location and the possibilities they have. Although the works carried out in this field have changed their form and quality over time, they are ultimately carried out to respond to the same need.

Today, the fact that the human population is largely oriented towards cities has led to an increase in multi-storey buildings, the need for housing continues to increase at an increasing rate, and as a natural consequence, the demand for building materials has increased.

The fact that building materials are harmful to human and environmental health has brought new problems. The closer a product is to natural or natural, the healthier and more expensive it is, and the further away from natural, the unhealthier and cheaper it is. The competitive conditions created by the demand for materials have led to a move away from the natural and expensive in production and subsequently to cheap and unhealthy products.

Being aware of this fact, we asked ourselves the following question; Can we produce products that do not harm human and environmental health, are long-lasting, have artistic and superior technical features without moving away from what is natural and healthy? In order to answer this question positively, we first accelerated our R&D studies, and together with our technical team, we made efforts to achieve our ultimate goal by collaborating with many universities and similar organizations.

We have observed that hemp seed oil, hemp extract  and hemp fiber give positive results in terms of health, aesthetics and technical aspects in the production of different materials. We have compiled the studies on the technical aspects of hemp all over the world and in our country, and by making use of them, we have accelerated our work to reach the best and the right one. Thus, we have both fulfilled our duty to offer healthy and environmentally friendly products to the service of humanity and contributed to the achievement of the purpose of all studies on hemp.

Thanks to the information we have gained as a result of our studies, we have succeeded in producing our healthy, long-lasting and technically superior products in Hemp Paint product groups.

When hemp fiber and extract  are included in the formula in the dimensions determined according to the purpose and quality of the product to be produced;

- Radiation insulation,

- It produces antibacterial and antiparasitic effects,

- The product prevents the reproduction of pests in the environment where it is located,

- When used in plasters, the adhesion of the product increases, it becomes more resistant to external influences,

- Extended service life of the product,

- That it makes very positive contributions to heat, sound and fire insulation,

When hemp seed oil is added to paints and similar products;

- It produces antibacterial and antiparasitic effects,

- That the product harmonizes with the other ingredients contained in its formula,

- Extended service life of the product,

- We observed an increase in the gloss and hiding properties of paints.

The fact that our products are technically superior, harmless to human health and environmentally friendly has given us the pride and happiness of reaching our targets.

We see our products as a concrete expression of the value and importance we attach to people and the environment. For us, quality is not a cost factor, but a requirement of the respect we have for our customers and our response to the trust placed in us.